Story★Willy Wonka had big chocolate factory and he developed many strange sweets. His sweets were very popularity. But one day, spies steal the Wonka's secret recipe. Then, Wonka shuted his chocolate factory. 15 years later, one poor family lived near the chocolate factory. The boy in the family like the factory very much. His name is Charie Backet. He is vey kind to his family. He was making the plastic model of the factory with many parts of lid of toothpaste. He dreamed the factory opened again.
One day, Willy Wonka announced "I'm going to sell bar of chocolate all over the world and I put in 5 GOLDEN TICKT from among these chocolate. If 5 children get ticet, I invite the children to my factory. " When it anoounnced, people of the world bought the chocolates. Then 5 children could get the tickets. Among the children was included Charie Bucket.
The children and their parents entered the factory. In there, many Oompa Loompas work. They can dance and sing. During Wonka introduce some rooms, 4children and 4 parents lost. Finally, Charlie Bucket and his grandfather was left and Willy said "I give you the factory. But Charile's family can't go there with him. " Charile was suprised and pleased. But he refused because he trasure his family. But finally, Charie and his family and his house could live in the chocolate factory.
Main Character★
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