
About laughing

(1)Interesting information about laughter
Laughing is good for us. I introduced this homepage. It is written about benefit of laughing.

About laughing

(2) Comedy & Other funny stuff

Funny cats

This funny movie is about accidents of cats. These cats are very cute and very funny. The cat don’t make us interested on purpose. I can’t understand cat’s language, so I enjoy imagining what cats think.

Funny Kids
This interesting movie is about funny kids. They have many curiosities, so they do funny things with laughing.

Kanako Yanagihara
The name of this woman is Kanako Yanagihara. She is a very funny comedian. She imitates a gal and a shop assistant. She can change the pitch of her voice. When she imitates a gal, her voice becomes low and when she imitates a shop assistant, her voice is very high, so it’s very funny.

2 件のコメント:

Gachako さんのコメント...

I can understand easily by your explanation. It's nice blog!

★Putti★ さんのコメント...

Your blog is easy to see for me.But I recomend you to change from Japanese to English in the side box.