Drinking water is good way to be on diet. Why does it good way? It has 4 reasons.
- Water has no calorie.
- It discharges the waste matter of our body.
- It improves our metabolism.
- It is given us the mineral of sea.
Water is divided 3 kinds, soft water, middle hard water, and hard water. The best kind of water to be on diet is middle hard water.
By the way, when should we drink water?
- When we get up.
You had better to choose the water that is not so cold. When we are sleeping, we are sweating very mcuh.That is why in the morning, our blood is very pulp,so we should return the condition of our blood.
- After we take a bath.
You had better to choose cold water. When we take bath, we lose much mineral, so we had better to drink hard water. It birngs about making our energy. Its enegy is our body manage to raise our body temperature and we can burn calorie.
I introduce you the page 'diet of water'.
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Hi~♪ I'm coming;)
What name of water do you like most?? I like MINAQUA is the best. Do you know that? If you have never drink it,please challenge it.