If peple pay money, people can get pictures or movies. Their instructer have camera and take pictures or movie.Skydiving has not limit of age. Limit of weight is 100 kilograms.
Skydiving in Queenstown
If peple pay money, people can get pictures or movies. Their instructer have camera and take pictures or movie.Skydiving has not limit of age. Limit of weight is 100 kilograms.
The Day of the Dead
People make special food to the day of the dead. People make sugar skulls. Many sugar skulls sold in market from October to the day of the dead . Why do people make pretty suger skulls? Skulls may be their family or friends for mexican, so people make pretty and funny sugar skulls. Suger skulls are made of chocolate and sugar. Many sugar skulls sold in market. the price is cheap. People eat them or put them their alter.
People make "bread of the dead". It has big size or small size. People paint pattern of flower or skulls with sugar. People eat it or put ther alter.
Oktoberfest in Munich
The hall of this festival is Theresienwiese. There are 6,000~7,0000 seats. However, getting seats is very difficult. the Germans weartraditional clothes. They drink beer very much.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
My summmer vacation
I respect my senior’s bands. Especially I respect VEXASION. The band is very cool. They have unbelievable technique. In this time, the member of the band played with us. I was very nervous because I couldn’t memorize the word of the song and I can’t sing with big voice. We practiced the song.
However, we enjoyed the camp. The first day, VEXASION’s live concert held. It was very cool. After, we had a barbecue. The meat of it was little peculiar tastes, but we enjoyed it. Then, we bought some snacks. When we arrived at the hotel, we talked with my new friends and seniors or we practiced the song.
The second day, we practiced the song or played with my friends by the live concert at night. I was very nervous.
At night, the live concert started. Our band was last. By the time, we listened my senior’s band’s song and my friend’s band’s. Their bands were great and cool. I envy them. I want to play drums and sing well.
Finally, our band started. I freeze up in public. My friend’s said ”We played the song for my senior. ” We started to play the song. Everyone knows the song, so everyone sang the song. However, I forgot the word of the song. I freeze up in a bind, but everyone sang the song. Then I think this club’s people are warm.
When we finished playing the song, my senior was crying. Then he came to us and he said ”Thank you. ” When I heard it, I was very happy but I think I’m sorry to forget the word of the song and my voice is small.
Next live concert is the school festival. I decided to practice hard by then.
Diet of water
- Water has no calorie.
- It discharges the waste matter of our body.
- It improves our metabolism.
- It is given us the mineral of sea.
Water is divided 3 kinds, soft water, middle hard water, and hard water. The best kind of water to be on diet is middle hard water.
By the way, when should we drink water?
- When we get up.
You had better to choose the water that is not so cold. When we are sleeping, we are sweating very mcuh.That is why in the morning, our blood is very pulp,so we should return the condition of our blood.
- After we take a bath.
You had better to choose cold water. When we take bath, we lose much mineral, so we had better to drink hard water. It birngs about making our energy. Its enegy is our body manage to raise our body temperature and we can burn calorie.
I introduce you the page 'diet of water'.
About dietary fiber
At first, it is divided 2 kinds.
One is soluble dietary fiber. For example, it is included in fruits, devil's tongues and kelps.
Another is insoluble dietary fiber. For example, it is included in vegetables.
Next, I explain about effects of dietary fiber. Effects of it are 5.
- Preventation of fatness.
- Preventation of a high cholesterol.
- Control of a high blood suger level.
- Control of outbreak of a large intestine cancer.
- Discharge of dioxins.
Lastly, I introduce foods that is included many dietary fiber.
- Brown rice
- Oatmeal
- Sweet potato
- Soybean flour
- Natto
- Sesame
- Burdock
- Apple
- Onion
- Cabbage etc...
Soybean folur is the most containded in above these foods. Second is burdock. Third is oatmeal.
Let's eat these foods and be good health.
About laughing
(1)Interesting information about laughter
Laughing is good for us. I introduced this homepage. It is written about benefit of laughing.About laughing
(2) Comedy & Other funny stuff
Funny catsThis funny movie is about accidents of cats. These cats are very cute and very funny. The cat don’t make us interested on purpose. I can’t understand cat’s language, so I enjoy imagining what cats think.
Funny Kids
This interesting movie is about funny kids. They have many curiosities, so they do funny things with laughing.
Kanako Yanagihara
The name of this woman is Kanako Yanagihara. She is a very funny comedian. She imitates a gal and a shop assistant. She can change the pitch of her voice. When she imitates a gal, her voice becomes low and when she imitates a shop assistant, her voice is very high, so it’s very funny.